About two weeks ago Tommy VK2IR emailed me asking if I'd like to join
HARAOA in this action. After asking Tommy if I can bring another operator he immediately agreed and I've contacted Matt
VK2RQ. Matt did not need much persuasion to go.
We met early on Friday am in
La Perouse and soon the HARAOA members arrived, we walked in to start carrying gear up to the fort.
Next step was the antenna building, cabling and unpacking of the radios. I think that we were on the air well before eleven o'clock. Then the fun started... If I say we were busy ... I'm understating the situation. I was on 15 m CW and from memory I've called CQ only twice and then it was continuous action. The
AX2CL was on the air.
The antennas:
Moxons monobanders for the higher bands and verticals for the lower bands:
40 m vertical and in the background is 10 m Moxon |
20 m Moxon on top of 12 m Moxon |
15 m in the foreground |
Above you have images of some of the operators hard in action. As time goes I may add some more.
We all had a great time - mind you it was hard work too...
Thanks everybody at HARAOA....!!!!!!