After checking my bank balance I quickly agreed. The island can be reached only by helicopter from the mainland. The company Precision Helicopters is the only company which provides the service.
Tommy had been working on this project for the last few years. No doubt is was long and tedious process to clear it all through the National Parks.

Helenic Amateur Radio Association Of Australia is very
active in actions of similar kind and I feel proud to be part of it.
Finally it happened last weekend.
Adding a few photos:
Just about to depart.
Here it is the great South Solitary island.
The main feature of the island... Lighthouse.
Just landed and Garry is unloading.
The building is in top nick... freshly painted.
Tommy (foreground) and Nick operating.
Nick, Tommy and Raffy in a full flight.
Please note the concentration.
Alan and Jason.
One of the views.
Little time off. Guided tour by Garry.
The second from left is Garry the ranger helping us.
Jason, Garry, Tommy Allan and Raffy.
Patrick and Tommy.
The operators:
- Tommy VK2IR
- Alan VK2KAM
- Raffy VK2RF
- Jason VK2FMAD
- Nick VK2DX
- And me VK2PN
We finished with over 5600 QSOs during available approx 36 hours on the air.
The National Parks allowed us 48 hours on the island. Setting up and breaking down the stations and antennas had taken the rest of the time. We managed to have four stations on the air most of that 36 hours.. The CONDX were not the best, however none of us called CQ more than few times to get a pile up going.
We were extremely lucky with the weather. Sunny windless days, but cool nights. I was wearing my ski merino underwear and "just" managed .
I want to express my personal thanks to the rangers: Garry and Geoff.... thanks guys for looking after us.
The staff of Precision helicopters... nothing was too difficult for them.
I have only one complaint to make: On Tuesday after sunrise on 30 m I was running rate about 90 qso per hour. Then the central European stations (the so called European ZOO) started. My rate dropped to 30 qso per hour. Those guys just don't know how to behave. Constant calling (even when I was transmitting, Transmitting during a contact with other station and not observing the fact that I was asking for one particular callsign. It is so upsetting when that happens. We the expedition are there to give them the QSO, but they make it so difficult. It is such a pleasure to work JA and US stations. They are gentlemen.