Saturday, January 11, 2014

Portable DX in the country.

Well we are back from "up north"... all relaxed.  Again we camped at the friends farm next to Manning river.  Great spot.

Above is the "operating position" in the camper annexe.  All toys in one box.  Very convenient.

The antennas are: G5RV on the Spider Pole on the right..  Works really well from there... Maybe the fact that is just above the paddock fence helps... of is it the proximity of the river about 30 m to the left..??

The beam is: Folding hex.  Incredible effective beam for its simple construction.  I've finaly learned to unfold and fold it without "spitting the dummy" and worked out how to secure the mast so the whole erection and pack-up takes about one hour.  The mast puts it about 8 m up.
Note the rotator is "pure armstrong".

I was even able to work a new one:

A79ACR Igor on holidays in Seychelles, using his KX3 and fishing pole vertical.  Look him up on his page...  He was very weak here in VK, but due to the fact I had the beam and was in the country I was able to hear him.  Here in Sydney the noise floor is much higher and I'd have no chance.  Thanks Igor for a new one......!!!

Visitor in our camp... I'd say this guy has talent for CW.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic setup there Patrick! Welcome back and now I need help getting my HF antenna squeezed in to a balcony.


The results of the Commonwealth contest were published.

  As I member of the team Australia 2, I was quite pleased with the result.